Westport Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

Westport, Fairfield, Darien and New Canaan, Connecticut

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Can Bleeding Gums Contribute to Heart Disease?

You Bet it Can!

A growing body of evidence points to a strong relationship between oral and Systemic Disease. Our goal at The Fairfield Oral Systemic Evaluation Center is to diagnose and treat oral inflammation and infection associated with periodontal disease and other oral conditions. By diagnosing and treating oral disease, the progression and complications associated with many medical conditions may be minimized.

If your gums bleed or you have loose teeth or bad breath you may have periodontal disease that could be as big a risk factor as smoking with respect to Heart Disease, Diabetes and Stroke.

Contact the office today at 203-256-8073. This call could save your life!

posted by Dr. Worthington at 11:28 AM